Keep Talkeetna Green!

Have you seen Talkeetna in the summer? Whether from the air, from the river, on a hiking trail, from the train, or even from a car window, the lush beauty here and almost everywhere you visit in Alaska is unparalleled. We hope that you care as much as we do about keeping Talkeetna green. Explore all the ways Talkeetna works hard to preserve and protect this special place and how you can help.


  • Talkeetna Townsite – Bear proof garbage and recycling receptacles for small amounts of personal disposables are located around the Talkeetna townsite. As you enjoy walking around the town, please remember to separate and recycle CLEAN, EMPTY drink bottles (#1) and aluminum drink cans!
  • Talkeetna Recycles at the Talkeetna Transfer Station


Protect! Waters, Land and Animals

Clean Up!

Drive a Little Less!

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